Clear-Com CZ11461

Clear-Com CZ11461, BS121 base station

Vendor: Clear-Com
Descriptions Clear-Com CZ11461, BS121 base station BS121 base station: Clear-Com CZ11461 is a Base station with HS-XLR4F Interface cable, 115-230VAC power supply, power cord, 2 antennas and manual. Clear-Com CZ11461 Product Features Single-channel 2.4GHz...

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Clear-Com CZ11461, BS121 base station

BS121 base station: 
Clear-Com CZ11461 is a Base station with HS-XLR4F Interface cable, 115-230VAC power supply, power cord, 2 antennas and manual.

Clear-Com CZ11461 Product Features

  • Single-channel 2.4GHz Base Station
  • 2.4GHz license-free operation
  • 1 full-duplex or 4 push-to-transmit shared beltpacks
  • Up to 8 systems can be linked together
  • Interface option available to 4-wire intercom systems only
  • Portable, compact design
  • Built-in battery charger