The Yamaha MY8AE Angle View

Yamaha 8 Channel AES/EBU Card DB25 for Yamaha Consoles

Vendor: Yamaha
Yamaha 8 Channel AES/EBU Card DB25 for Yamaha Consoles The Yamaha MY8AE 16-Channel AES/EBU Input/Output Card is an optional digital I/O card for compatible Yamaha digital mixing consoles and signal processors. The Yamaha...

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Yamaha 8 Channel AES/EBU Card DB25 for Yamaha Consoles

The Yamaha MY8AE 16-Channel AES/EBU Input/Output Card is an optional digital I/O card for compatible Yamaha digital mixing consoles and signal processors. The Yamaha MY8AE provides eight inputs and eight outputs for 24-bit, 44.1/48 kHz uncompressed AES/EBU compliant digital audio. 

It's easy for the Mini-YGDAI cards to add I/O in a wide sort of audio and network formats to Yamaha digital mixing consoles, processors, and power amps that are equipped with compatible card slots. The Mini-YGDAI cards give your system the most up-to-date capabilities for any application.

The Yamaha MY8AE Product Highlights

  • 8-in/8-out AES/EBU interface (4-in/4-out at 96kHz).
  • 24bit resolution
  • 1x D-sub 25 pin connector
  • Dimensions: 120mm x 40mm x 176mm (4.7" x 1.6" x 6.9")