Telex RTS BOP220 Breakout Panel for SAP-1626

Telex RTS BOP220 Breakout Panel for SAP-1626

Vendor: Telex RTS
Telex RTS BOP220 Breakout Panel for SAP-1626 The BOP-220 Breakout Panel for SAP-1626 from Telex is an I/O connector translation assembly designed for use with the SAP-1626 source assignment panel. The BOP-220 has...

Telex RTS BOP220 Breakout Panel for SAP-1626

The BOP-220 Breakout Panel for SAP-1626 from Telex is an I/O connector translation assembly designed for use with the SAP-1626 source assignment panel. The BOP-220 has 20 XLR user station connectors, as well as a pair of parallel connectors for hooking to the SAP-1626. The panel fits in a standard 19" rack for convenient installation.


  • Designed for use with the SAP-1626 Source Assignment Panel