Soundtube MG4, 4" Landscape speaker

Vendor: SoundTube
Descriptions Soundtube MG4, 4" Landscape speaker The Soundtube MG4 feature its 4" landscape speaker, this Soundtube MG4 is an attractive, discreet way to distribute audio throughout an outdoor setting. The Soundtube MG4 is a 2-way speaker...
$87.50 $175.00

Soundtube MG4, 4" Landscape speaker

The Soundtube MG4 feature its 4" landscape speaker, this Soundtube MG4 is an attractive, discreet way to distribute audio throughout an outdoor setting. The Soundtube MG4 is a 2-way speaker and a fully weatherproof and super easy to installed via spike mount. You can install this Soundtube MG4 in outdoor living spaces, hotel pool areas, courtyard, outdoor malls, or outdoor seating areas for restaurants or cafes. Multiple units recommended for optimum outdoor sound experience.

This Soundtube MG4 has been discontinued and has a limited remaining stock. Hurry! Order now!