Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61, Nord 61 Note Electro 6D 61 key semi-weighted action, with nine physical drawbars

Vendor: NORD
Descriptions Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61, Nord 61 Note Electro 6D 61 key semi-weighted  action, with nine physical drawbars The Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61 has a 256 of flash ROM allocated for the storage of samples from the...
$2,699.00 $3,599.00


Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61, Nord 61 Note Electro 6D 61 key semi-weighted  action, with nine physical drawbars

The Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61 has a 256 of flash ROM allocated for the storage of samples from the Nord sample library or the Nord sample editor software. The Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D also has 30 voices of polyphony and controls attack / release and dynamics (filter and velocity) Organ section: The Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61 has 5 models: 1 phonic wheel organ, 2 analog electonics organs with total polyhony and 2 liturgical organ carefully, also, the Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61 has  types of acoustic wheel emulations to choose how much your organ sounds vintage, it has also 9 digital LED harmonic drawbars. Split Midi: The Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61 Electro 6 has been design to accommodate a midi keyboard when split organ mode is enabled. In addition, Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61 offers two separate harmonic drawbar settings for the upper and lower section effects, Effect 1 is pan, tremolo.

Product Highlights of the Nord AMS-NELECTRO6D-61

  • 61-key (5 octaves, C-C) Velocity sensitive Fatar Semi Weighted Waterfall keyboard; perfect for rapid organ shredding and synthesizer licks
  • Three independent sound sections Organ, Piano and Sample Synth that can be used simultaneously as a layer or a split; 6 Keyboard Split points (C3-F5) with Split Point Crossfade functionality
  • Organize/Page mode: Group sets of up to four Programs into Pages, and arrange these using the Organize mode
  • 4 Live Slots; External keyboard feature: Freely assign sound engines to be controlled by an external keyboard, while others are played from the Nord Electro 6
  • Piano section features a wide selection of acoustic, electric and digital pianos from the exclusive Nord Piano Library, extended voice polyphony and creative new Piano Filters; enhanced Sample Synth Section features expanded memory for the Nord Sample Library 3.0 and extended polyphony