HSA RollTop USAVID24 Unified System for Audio/Video Integration Desk (with variants)
Vendor: HSA RollTop

HSA RollTop USAVID24 Unified System for Audio/Video Integration Desk (with variants)
USAVID24 Combo
USAVID24 Lectern produced in a special combination of gloss and semi-gloss high-pressure pure white laminates for a high-tech corporate presentation and meeting environment that was designed in stainless steel, white, and glass. Also features USFDRW, USRACK24, and a custom cutout for a cable box.
USAVID24 Dual Doors
A new option for 2020 is shown on this USAVID24 with the new Dual Swing-Out Doors. This option provides a traditional doored front but with the space advantage of two smaller doors that can be comfortably opened in tight quarters. Each door is individually key-locked for added versatility and safety and supported on an extra heavy-duty "Euro" style adjustable hinge system. Also pictured is the USAVID's rear access (with the locking rear door removed) showing the rear of the touch panel (not included-shown for example) and the spacious cable access for it and other dashboard-mounted devices.
USAVID24 Keyboard Pullout
A nicely optioned USAVID24 with a USKB Keyboard Pullout and USDCR Right-hand Pullout Drawer for document cams, etc. Also includes a USRACK insert with a specially modified dual "swing-out" locking door set to secure it. Lastly, the slanted dashboard in the top area is removed to provide extra worksurface space. Not shown is the USDOOR removable, locking the full-length door on the audience-facing side for easy access to the rack rear, wiring, etc.