HSA RollTop USAVID44 Unified System for Audio/Video Integration Desk (with variants)

HSA RollTop USAVID44 Unified System for Audio/Video Integration Desk (with variants)

Vendor: HSA RollTop
HSA RollTop USAVID44 Unified System for Audio/Video Integration Desk (with variants) Customized USAVID44 with both a USKB keyboard/laptop pullout and a USFDRW "under keyboard" storage drawer. Custom angled and recessed LCD mount and...

HSA RollTop USAVID44 Unified System for Audio/Video Integration Desk (with variants)

Customized USAVID44 with both a USKB keyboard/laptop pullout and a USFDRW "under keyboard" storage drawer. Custom angled and recessed LCD mount and worksurface cable management. USRACK44 19" rack mount plus CPU tower/equipment bay behind a special horizontal running locking rolltop tambour door.

Just an example of how a basic USAVID44 can be "customized" using just basically standard options! This one uses a USKB, USTAMB44, and a USRACK44 with a pair of "half-sized" USSHELF44's in the left bay area.